Tagged: gallery wall

Adding to the Gallery Wall


I know…creative post title.  ;-)  But really, that’s all that I did!  I had some leftover fabric from another project that I wanted to use and a funny post card that I picked up at a craft fair not too long ago and they both seemed like the perfect additions to the gallery wall.


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Inexpensive frames from Tar-jay!


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I love the faux bois pattern on that fabric.  So, so much.  And that’s just Lolita the llama.  You know, just a llama wearing a scarf, no big deal.  ;-)  (Don’t you love her?!)


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I had to trim down Lolita a teensy bit so that she would fit into that frame — I bought the wrong size!  No worries, though.  Just a few snips and she was good to go!


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And there you have it…the gallery wall in all its growing glory!  ;-)

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